Community Groups


City-wide prayer group

We are excited to announce that in 2024 we have launched a city-wide prayer initiative with One Christian Network to connect churches and foster care together. We value Obedience to God, Collaboration with each other and integrity and compassion in communication. We are meeting every 2nd Monday of the month. We need prayer warriors. We are the church, they are His children, and He is our way maker.

Adoptive mothers support group

For Mothers who have taken next steps, from foster care to offering their child a forever place in their heart and home.  We recognize and understand some days may be harder than others, and we want to come alongside you in support, offering you a community that relates and empathizes. We offer a safe, judgmental free space to connect and support you.  

Our Adoptive Mother's support group will meet the first Thursday, evenings of each month for 90 minutes. Please sign up below so we can include you in dinner.

Foster parent support group

The purpose of this group is to offer a space for foster parents to feel supported through fellowship.  You selflessly took on this role, extending your home to kids in need, and you deserve to feel heard and appreciated by those who can relate.  We are in this together, and know too well the challenges foster parents face. It is our hope that this group will strengthen faith, restore hope, and foster new friendships among parents.  

At this time further details are still in progress, but we can confirm that this will be a recurring monthly group.